Friday, December 02, 2005

Hello everyone! I hope your week is going better than mine. My week is a gong-show. I have 1 big essay that I’m trying so very hard to finish, and then 3 rather large assignments (20 pages or so each). I’ve been working on my essay for 6 days strait now…however I’m easily distracted. It seems every opportunity that arises to take a “quick” break, I don’t even think twice. Such as this blog entry. I’m eating my crustini and yogurt as I go, so I think I can justify it as a snack break. I just got home from work and am a little hungry because I haven’t eaten since around 3 o’clock.

Work is another reason why my week has been rather bleh. I am scheduled for 4 shifts over the weekend when it is my busiest 2 weeks I’ll have all semester. And I can’t change shifts or give them away because they are short staffed and need me. I am still looking into the possibility to getting a care-aid job at either Langley memorial hospital or surrey memorial hospital, or both! If I worked 1 shift a week at either place, I would be making more than I would at 3 shifts at Staples. 3 SHIFTS! I feel bad for quitting there if I do because the people at Staples are very nice and have catered to most of my needs such as time off at Christmas. I’ll work there as long as possible, but soon as I get some hours as a care-aid I will most likely quit.

Another thing that raised my stress level by 10 bars was my car not starting yesterday morning. That freaked me out because I don’t have the time nor the money to fix the thing right now. I just had to buy a new sunroof (see previous post) which was 150 bux, and then this repair would have been 400 bux. I figured that it was the starter that was messed which is why it wouldn’t start. So, when the BCAA guy came, he helped me smack the starter with a metal rod while I cranked the ignition. A few tries and it started! Phew, now I don’t have to spend 400 bux. However, I thought it might be good to have it checked out by a mechanic and probably get a tune-up. That will be about 150 dollars, but hopefully it will pay off because right now I’m getting horrible mileage.

I did get to see Danielle today and it sucks that I can't see more of her because we are both very busy with assignments and what not. It is always de-stressing to see her and I hope I get to see more of her soon!!!

I must get back to work…my essay is calling and I can’t ignore it’s calls any longer…

One more thing… I thought I would also post a few pictures of the Nursing Student Association sponsored Nursing Christmas Banquet. It was a good time. I’m part of the NSA and I also MC’ed the event. I thought it went well for the most part. A few awkward moments but it was fun.

This is of Danielle and her 2 buddies that are in her class.

This is me in the fashion show. Yeah, I'm hot. I was "Traditional Nurse"

This is me, Danielle, and Steve (my nursing bud)
(isn't she hot stuff? She just bought that dress, and I must say it looks awesome!)

These are all people from my class. Most of my class is wankers because they didn't come. These are the elite cool people.

Another hot photo of yours truely...