Thursday, March 09, 2006

Orientations suck


This last week and a half here has been crazy. I have been excited/nervous for starting my new jobs, I have had quite a lot of home work, and it is Danielle’s birthday tomorrow! (Well, it was on Tuesday, but that’s a long story)…

Orientations are the most boring things ever invented. They reiterate things I already have heard a billion times, and I get so antsy just sitting and waiting for the pain to stop. Also, people are very impersonal because I tried to get talking to a few of the people at my table, but they were very boring individuals. Soon as it was over, everyone just walked out and didn’t even say “good bye, it was nice to meet you” kind of thing. They were just socially inept I suppose and unable to display any kind of emotion.

I am really looking forward to working at RCH. I had an orientation there on Tuesday (also extremely boring) but it seems like a great hospital to get some real solid experience. There main focus is acute care, so it is fast paced, and changes every shift unlike extended care that is basically the same thing every shift. I find it very anti stimulating, but I do like taking an extra few minutes to chat with the patients. Most of the time, just an extra 5 minutes with someone will make them feel special. One elderly gal asked me to tell her a story so she could fall asleep, so I did! It was about me so it could put almost anyone to sleep. There was another guy that I talked to and he had been there for almost 1 year, and I was the first person to chat with him for more than a few minutes. Even though I’m bored there sometimes, it can be quite rewarding.

I put in my 2 weeks notice to Staples. I was a little sad, because now they have to hire someone new and train them all over, but the pay sucks and then I didn’t feel that bad. Maybe if I had more responsibility and was paid more, I would have felt bad, but that would take about 5 years.

Well, I better hit the sack because I’m so very tired, and must write an essay tomorrow. NOT looking forward to that.

Love you all