Wednesday, April 19, 2006

OK…so I apologize about misleading you with my last post there. I have been thinking I should blog very soon because I haven’t in so long! I was worried it would get deleted or something, but then I was like, “psh, yeah right. Like anyone would want to delete this!”

So anyways, moving along…

So much has happened in the last while that I could be sitting here for a very long time typing my stories out…but since I only have a few minutes (this is a procrastination session in between studying!) I will be brief…

Well, lets start with my car story. My sad, sad car story. I was smushed by another car about 3 weeks ago and have been very upset about that. This guy was obviously speeding like a bat out of heck, and there was no way I could see him because I was merging onto a street and there is a crest from a hill about 100 feet up the road. So it was clear, I merged and WHAM!! WTF!!! So I make a claim and being the wonderful corporation that ICBC is, they decide it’s my fault simply because I was the one merging. I have hard physical evidence that he hit me at an extreme speed because it ain’t no “minor ding” it’s a full blown smash. Anyways, that really cooked my cod. Now I have a new car that I purchased off of a family member. I am making payments on it so I can afford to fix my other car and hopefully sell it for some money. I also didn’t realize that I might as well change my name to Ben Dover because it cost me 2K to insure this car that is worth 3K. How sweet is that? REAL SWEET! I hope to buy a bicycle this summer and ride to work…

Which brings me to my next bit of news J I had an interview yesterday for an undergraduate nursing position. I totally nailed the interview (kind of) and got the job on the spot! So I won’t have to wipe as much butt this summer and that is a real plus (duh). I will be working in a surgical unit at the local hospital here in Langley. I really don’t know what I’ll be doning…probably a lot of assessment stuff and medications. I have never been on a surgical floor so I don’t really know what to expect. I’m on the same floor as the OR so I think I’ll be prepping people for surgeries too and all that fun stuff. I’m just glad that I’m able to work in the field and gain some experience. I will also still be working as a care aide because I only get 40 some hours with the UGN program and I want to work a bit more than that. I’m sure that I can get lots of overtime as a care aide so that’s where I’ll really make some good cash. I’ve already worked 1 OT shift last week and I was VERY surprised (in all the right ways) at how fast it adds up once you make time and a half. I might try and get a position for care aiding that’s a bit closer to home because new west is a little far…well its only 30 KM but with the stupid bridge traffic it takes an hour. Danielle has a “connection” so I hope he can hook both of us up with good care aide positions.

Anways, sorry for the brief post, but I must get back to work. I have one final tomorrow (Thursday) and then one more next Monday. THEN I’M DONE (for now).


Thursday, April 13, 2006

Coming soon to a blog near you...

Hello anyone who actually reads this still…sorry I have been so SO long in updating. The last month of classes are always the frantic last minute assignments and stuff…

This is a note to tell ya’ll that I will be updating this tonight or tomorrow!!!!

So stay tuned!