Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Well, sorry for such a long wait...I'm sure all 3 of you that read this were checking 10 times a day to see if I updated this...*sarcasm*

Anyways, I've had a very busy week with work. It has really taken a lot out of me the last 4 days. I worked 2 days, and then 2 nights...and switching the whole sleep pattern really sucks. I tried different techniques with staying up really late, sleeping in til 1pm, and then having a 4 hour nap again before the shift starts at 1930. Kind of makes for a lousy day sleeping the whole time, and then the next night was kind of the same. sleep all morning, and then another long nap in the afternoon. Then the following 2-3 days I spend trying to get back into a normal patter of sleep...right before I have another 2 days and 2 nights on. Thank goodness for gravol ;)

I have been learning a lot on this job and I am putting to practice my nursing knowledge. What do you guys want to know about my new job? I'm not really sure what to say...

Not too much has happened other than work lately. These next few days I'm just going to enjoy being off unless I get called in for a care aide shift. I have had a bad cold for 2 weeks and really want to kick it. I have been loading up on the echinacea tea, sleep, and VitC so I hope I get better by my next rotation.

I had better go - I'm going to go cook dinner at Danielle's house and I have to have it done before she gets home from work (its a suprise!!). I'm going to cook some nice big chicken breasts with potatoes and carrots and cheese bread :) yummy....