Monday, July 03, 2006

Those special feelings

Where to start…It has been so long! I am sorry to keep you in suspense as to what’s been going on in my life the last few weeks. Nothing ground shattering has really happened. I have worked a lot, and haven’t really done much else other than hanging out with Danielle, some friends and getting a new roommate.

First of all with work…I worked 12 days in a row for a total of 80 hours. It was kind of nice to be working that much because it has been so long since I’ve been that busy with work. With my UGN position I work a 12 hour day which actually goes by incredibly fast because most often I am kept very busy. With my other position as a care aide I sometimes wish I had a handgun to end my misery prematurely as I sit on my arse for a mere 8 hours…well, most of the time I am sitting with a “high risk” patient whether the risk is for falls or suicidal tendencies, however this week it was not so bad. I was with a guy whom had a stroke and was a little nuts. He was only 64 but he was now significantly blind having horrible peripheral vision and basically can only make sense of things that are directly in front of his nose and also had other degenerative mental issues related to the stoke. Anyways, he was a nice guy and I managed to keep him busy and happy while I was on shift. He had a roommate that was in the same room (obviously) and she really liked me, and not because of my dashing good looks (ok, so I’m not really sure if anyone has ever liked me for my dashing looks, but it makes for a more interesting story). She thought I was a great person because I was the only person that he never got agitated with or upset. It was actually quite hilarious in the end because on my very last shift with this guy, she was just being transferred to the other hospital I work at. The next day I worked at LMH (afore mentioned “other” hospital) and happened to bump into an LPN that worked on that floor where she was transferred and she was still talking about me! It kind of made my week because she was telling the other nurses that they should be more like me…lol. Apparently I really touched this person because of the way I worked with that stroke guy and herself (I helped her too when she needed things done). I also visited her on one of my breaks and the LPN had to tag along to see her face when I went into her room. She was a sweet old gal and if she is still there this week I’m going to go see her again.

I also got a new roommate this week which is mostly a good thing. Mainly because it saves me a few bucks off the rent, and it’s nice having a person to hangout with when there’s nothing else going on. He’s from Korea, but he’s a white boy (29 yrs old). He is there as an English teacher and has come back for a bit to finish his masters at TWU or something like that. So it is nice to have some company around again, but I had to madly move all my crap out of the other room and also rearrange a lot of my kitchen things because I really spread out after my last roommie moved out. It was very last minute so I kind of just tossed everything from that room into my bedroom and it was kind of messy for a few days.. . well actually it was like there was 1 spot to step from the door to my bed and other than that there was computer parts, cords, books, uuh…random papers, and just a whole lot of crap all over the floor. It is now somewhat organized in a Chris kind of way so I don’t have to play hopscotch every night getting into bed.

I must go to sleep. It is 2:30am almost and I’m beat. I will post again before the end of the week! I promise!