Friday, August 18, 2006

Hi :]

I have had a fairly boring week so far. Nothing new to report, but I wanted to blog anyways!

I haven’t worked yet this week, so it has been a nice to just sleep in most mornings, and do a whole lot of nothing. I have been cleaning and organizing my place, and I picked up some caliper paint the other day to paint my calipers on the new Rabbit a hot red. It should look nice once completed and I will update with pictures! It is a very cheap way to add a little pizzaz to a car.

I’m trying to think of other things I can write about, but I really can’t think of much…stuff that would be interesting anyways. I did build a giant box tonight for pop cans and bottles…*goes to take picture* (see picture below). I made it nice and BIG so it will store a few garbage bags full of cans. It is fashioned from cardboard that I got with my new TV stand I got at IKEA (A nice score in the "as is" section I might add). The only thing that might be a bit of a problem is the fact that it is almost 4’ from the top of the boxes so if a glass bottle happens to land on another glass bottle followed by a *kkksshh*. At least it will be in a closed space :]

There is also a pic of what I had there which inspired me to build such a box. I just got tired of it over-flowing.

I guess I will go to sleep now.

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