Saturday, December 30, 2006

Wow...It has been a while since my last post!! All together, my blog will have 51 posts for 2006, so that's almost 1 a week! Not bad, but it's been a long while since I updated it...

Then after that, I head home on the 2nd to Langley where I have a day off, then work 3 days for 11 hours each, and then I'll be starting my 6th semester of Nursing. SIXTH SEMESTER!!!! Wooohoo! I feel close to being done because it is soooo close. I'm really looking forward to grading and then just WORKING. It will be nice to have a bank account that is in the black for a change... I still have to figure out what area I want to go into, and there are a lot to choose from. I don't think it really matters that much

Well, I just couldn't muster the strength to get this finished before having to shut my eyes for the night...So I'm finishing it now!!

I have gotten most of my stuff packed and good to go at my parents house here in Kelowna. There is a lot of stuff coming with me because I made a drawer unit that will serve either as my night stand, or a storage thingy for under my desk. I haven't decided yet where it will fit best. I will post a pic when I'm back home in Langley because I've already packed my camera and don't feel like going all the way downstairs to get it...And I'm also taking home an old coffee table that my parents don't have any use for. I'm going to put it infront of Matt's futon because he doesn't really have a table or anything the way I rearranged the living room. It should work out quite nicely! I will also take a pic of the room after I've finished cleaning and putting things where they belong. I think the new way will be nice for watching TV and also gives Matt a bit more space for doing homwork or whatever on the futon.

So long for now!! Look for another post within a few days :)


1 comment:

alan.schram said...

Where's the post?