Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hello everyone,

I thought I would try and update this *again* on a more regular basis, because I like having new things to keep me busy from my school work (just kidding)...

I don't mind facebook, but it's still not as cool as blogging. I think there's a sort of bloggerish thing on it, but I don't use facebook that much...only to look at pics of stuff, and also share pics with friends.

SO, without further ado...

I bought a new car recently. A buddy of mine hooked me up with deal I couldn't refuse...and the fact my GTI (see previous blog entry's) turned out to be an engine eating glutton, made the desicion to get something different all the much easier.

I got to drive said buddy's Skyline...and the rest was history.

It was amazing.

For those of you who don't know what a Skyline is, it is a Nissan sports car that was huge in Japan. It has an inline 6 engine which is turbo-charged. Stock output is 212hp and 263N-m. Fortunately, that is only stock, and mine already has some nice modifications which should put it around 250hp and over 300 N-m. They are rather light cars, and the one I'm getting is lowered with a beefier adjustable suspension. It has some Racing Hart 17" rims, with 225's on the front, and 255's on the rear (see pics).

It looks like it is in great shape. I'm really looking forward to getting it. It should have landed on Canadian shores today from Japan, and in about 5 days I will have it on the road!!

I will post a review and more pics once I get it so stay tuned.

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