Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wow. I have been so busy the last few years I have no touched my blog forever! I see even 12 people have looked at it last month...that's about 12 more than I would expect given the absentee wanna-be blogger that I am...I like the idea of blogging and I enjoy reading other peoples blogs...especially if I find them interesting. Just reading about peoples lives in general is interesting and so is watching it (can't say I watch TV though...any show I like I typically wait for DVD/Blu-ray releases so I don't have to suffer through commercials and pay for expensive HD TV channels). 

Anyways. I changed my blog's title from "Happenings of a Student Nurse" to what it is now because, obviously, I'm no longer a student. I graduated in 2008 and have been working in an urban ER department mostly. Just recently I finished a stint of rural ER/medical/clinic work up in northern Alberta. That was an interesting experience to say the least. The stuff I witnessed and even a part of was at times hard to believe, and at other times hilarious. A lot of things are different. I won't get into that this post because I think it would take me several weeks to describe the happenings of a place like that and my experience. 

As of right now I am a student once more. Instead of a Student Nurse I am a student that is a nurse. I am in Toronto Ontario living on the U of T campus (so beautiful!). Presently I am procrastinating from my reading. I was actually on google about to look at news when I stumbled across my old blog and decided to write a quick update. I am here in Toronto to study for and write the MCAT. I went into nursing with the notion of using it as a stepping stone to something else one day. I was initially interested in Dentristry...but that is very hard to get into and VERY expensive so I also looked at medicine but my marks in my first few years of general studies at university were not up to snuff to consider either. But I could get into nursing. I talked to a few of my mother's friends who are nurses and decided I had the right character to do well within the field. I don't mind blood and guts at all, but the idea of having to wipe other peoples bottoms didn't exactly excite me. But it was somewhere to start. 

And now, here I am. I have become an RN with a specialization in ER. I knew the time was coming soon where I was ready to move on from nursing as I was no longer enjoying my job. ER is a very difficult place to perform nursing care. I enjoy that aspect of nursing very much - connecting with my patients and making them feel safe and well cared for during their time of vulnerability as they lay sick in the ER at the mercy of their care givers. I have worked mostly in the acute side of the ER since completing my ER training and it is an extremely busy place. You get the sickest people (with exception of the sickest of sick or trauma patients who would go then to the trauma rooms) who require close monitoring and efficient care to ensure best possible outcomes. But when you have 4-5 of these patients all under the care of a single RN the "nursing" side of nursing becomes extremely difficult. I'm no longer making a difference for these people with the care that I provide, I'm just simply providing them with the drugs and fluids to get them better, and the "care" is left out because I must move onto the next task for the next patient. I desperately want to spend more time with my patients and ensure they understand what is happening to them with regards to both their presenting complaint and their treatment. People feel better about their condition when they know why they feel the way they feel and what we as health care providers are going to do to help them. It's so simple but so many doctors and nurses glaze over details and don't provide sick people in ER's with the answers and solutions they need in order to feel less vulnerable and scared. When I say "sick" people I'm talking about the people that are very sick and being treated and tested aggressively...not the person waiting for a perscription refill or the person with a cough and sore throat. These people choose to come to the ER whereas the "sick" people have no choice but to come to the ER. Access to health care is getting poorer and poorer as there are more and more people in large urban centres and not enough GP's to care for the walk-in type of things and chronic illnesses. I don't get mad at people coming to the ER for minor things, but I do get annoyed when people become belligerent and cause disruptions because they don't understand why wait times are so great. Not only are there more and more minor cases visiting the ER but also more and more "sick" people as well. A lot of the "acute" beds in urban ER's have admitted patients waiting for a bed somewhere else, be it a medical floor, a cardiac floor or even ICU. The hospital is full of sick people already and doctors can't discharge patients fast enough to free beds up for the new people coming in...so grannies are stuck on extremely uncomfortable stretchers or even chairs for hours if not days while waiting for beds on the other floors. Makes me sick to see geriatric people suffer in a chair in an extremely busy department. 

Sorry. That little rant was quickly becoming an essay. There are many flaws within the system and many needs. It's easy to point them out but extremely difficult to find solutions. Not enough care homes. Not enough nurses. Not enough access to care. Not enough funding. Not enough paramedics. So many shortages in all areas it will take a lifetime to surmount the shortfalls of an outdated system. People will die in hall ways. Grandma's and Grandpa's will suffer as they have to sit in chairs until they can be properly cared for. Even then they may only get a stretcher which isn't a huge step up from the chairs. Medications will be missed. People will sit in their own excrement for hours and hours. People will not get the pain medication they so desperately need in a timely manner because nurses are burnt out and still dealing with burdens that are a result of this broken system (I'm refering to high patient workloads, no breaks, and very little support). 

So what can I do? Well, first of all, take a break from nursing for a while. I'm in Toronto for nearly 4 months and I will not be working at all. I will be focussing my efforts to finally being able to live a healthy life style (diet and exercise go out the window when you work shift work) and on my studies. After this I will be doing one more contract before returning full time to undergrad studies. Working up north is no where near as stressful as an urban centre. Also make a lot more money. I will be returning to university to complete med school pre-requisite courses and also help boost my anaemic GPA. What can I accomplish in pursuing medicine? I'm not sure but I'm glad to leave nursing. I see it as an opportunity to acquire more knowledge, gain more experience, and see where it takes me. I want to make an impact and I want to impact not just the people I care for but be a voice for change. Be a future leader for health care. Learn from my frustrations and build a foundation for change. Maybe I will find something within nursing along the way or maybe I will become political, or maybe I will become a doctor. No matter where this journey takes me I want to bring the care back into healthcare. That sounds soooo cheesy, I know. I think there are a lot of people working within healthcare that feel the same way though. Instead of being stuck in the trenches I'm stepping out and moving on. I told myself I'd pay off my student debt before I made this move, but with six figures at graduation that is going to take FOREVER working as an RN to accomplish. So screw it. I'm opening yet another line of credit and jumping with both feet into something I know not of where I'll land. I'll be more in the hole, but only financially. Nothing can be lost by gaining more knowledge in pursuing medicine especially with my conviction and background. Sorry...more cheese. But I'm excited to see where this journey takes me!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hello everyone,

I thought I would try and update this *again* on a more regular basis, because I like having new things to keep me busy from my school work (just kidding)...

I don't mind facebook, but it's still not as cool as blogging. I think there's a sort of bloggerish thing on it, but I don't use facebook that much...only to look at pics of stuff, and also share pics with friends.

SO, without further ado...

I bought a new car recently. A buddy of mine hooked me up with deal I couldn't refuse...and the fact my GTI (see previous blog entry's) turned out to be an engine eating glutton, made the desicion to get something different all the much easier.

I got to drive said buddy's Skyline...and the rest was history.

It was amazing.

For those of you who don't know what a Skyline is, it is a Nissan sports car that was huge in Japan. It has an inline 6 engine which is turbo-charged. Stock output is 212hp and 263N-m. Fortunately, that is only stock, and mine already has some nice modifications which should put it around 250hp and over 300 N-m. They are rather light cars, and the one I'm getting is lowered with a beefier adjustable suspension. It has some Racing Hart 17" rims, with 225's on the front, and 255's on the rear (see pics).

It looks like it is in great shape. I'm really looking forward to getting it. It should have landed on Canadian shores today from Japan, and in about 5 days I will have it on the road!!

I will post a review and more pics once I get it so stay tuned.
One pet peeve I have are people that are incapable of comprehending what a Cheeseburger with only ketchup means!!! Seriously, who would be so retarded to order a cheese burger, meaning a patty of beef, with cheese on the top, with just ketchup, and somehow have that come out to just a bun with ketchup. DUH! Thankfully most of these kids are still in high school, and are probably just nervous being their first job and all, but seriously, I hope they grow some common sense. I don't order that many cheese burgers with just ketchup, but when I do, more than half the time I get asked if I actually wanted the patties or not.

Just a rant.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Well, These are all pics of my computer setup!!


LG 20" 16:10 3000:1 LCD

Saitek Eclipse II keyboard

Microsoft HABU mouse

Thermaltake Armor case

Mushkin 650w modular PSU

ASUS Striker Extreme motherboard


2G Patriot Extreme Performance ram

Zalman CNPS9700NT Copper CPU Heatsink 110MM Fan LGA775 AM2 S939 1250-2800RPM 19.5-35DBA Green LED

E4300 Core 2 Duo running at 2.5GHz (1.8 stock)

ASUS quiet track SATA DVD-RW

ASUS quiet Track DVD-ROM

And then I have a 120mm fan in the front as well as the rear


Saturday, December 30, 2006

Wow...It has been a while since my last post!! All together, my blog will have 51 posts for 2006, so that's almost 1 a week! Not bad, but it's been a long while since I updated it...

Then after that, I head home on the 2nd to Langley where I have a day off, then work 3 days for 11 hours each, and then I'll be starting my 6th semester of Nursing. SIXTH SEMESTER!!!! Wooohoo! I feel close to being done because it is soooo close. I'm really looking forward to grading and then just WORKING. It will be nice to have a bank account that is in the black for a change... I still have to figure out what area I want to go into, and there are a lot to choose from. I don't think it really matters that much

Well, I just couldn't muster the strength to get this finished before having to shut my eyes for the night...So I'm finishing it now!!

I have gotten most of my stuff packed and good to go at my parents house here in Kelowna. There is a lot of stuff coming with me because I made a drawer unit that will serve either as my night stand, or a storage thingy for under my desk. I haven't decided yet where it will fit best. I will post a pic when I'm back home in Langley because I've already packed my camera and don't feel like going all the way downstairs to get it...And I'm also taking home an old coffee table that my parents don't have any use for. I'm going to put it infront of Matt's futon because he doesn't really have a table or anything the way I rearranged the living room. It should work out quite nicely! I will also take a pic of the room after I've finished cleaning and putting things where they belong. I think the new way will be nice for watching TV and also gives Matt a bit more space for doing homwork or whatever on the futon.

So long for now!! Look for another post within a few days :)


Wednesday, August 23, 2006


well, this week has not been great...

But I did get to my "custom" paint job on my car! I bought the caliper paint a while ago and finally did it yesterday evening. I kinda picked a bad time to start because by the time I was done, I was using my little LED flashlight to make sure I got all the touchups and things needed. But, upon inspection this morning, everything looks good! I posted a few pictures I took. I was just going to do the front ones, but a Ferrari inspired me to do all 4 (the Ferrari I saw the other day had all 4 calipers painted red too). I think it looks pretty good! It's too bad I can't afford to do anything mechanical. I think even with maybe $1000 I could do some nice things to enhance the sexyness and performance of the car. I looked at the exhaust while I had the car jacked up and there are 3 mufflers on this thing!! and they are huge! No wonder I can hardly hear the thing when I'm driving. I am pretty sure I won't get to anything like a new exhaust or any other mechanical things for a few years. Right now I have other priorities :) But I do plan on doing a few other $10 modifications such as a cool paint job with special stuff for a scuff gaurd on the bottom of the door sill. I plan to do a black strip with "RABBIT 2.5" written on it in either yellow or red. I'm pretty sure that these "mods" will not viod my warranty...hehe.

Anyways, I have some interesting news that I just got yesterday regarding my job. I am basically being paid for a month's worth of work that I'm missing due to this whole sinanigan at LMH, AND I will still have the hours which means that I will be able to work the whole school period part time and still have some hours to spare. I have only been working part time as a care aide because I only get called on weekends. I didn't work this weekend though because I thought I would be working this week. I had orientation at Surrey Memorial yesterday which was boring, but was the best orientation I've been to as far as topics covered and stuff. I was scheduled for another orientation session for today but it was geared more toward RN's - UGN's usually get their own "special" orientation to deal specifically with our scope of practice. So my manager dude said I don't need to come today but I will still get paid! woohoo! I will have my own special orientation next week on the unit which is nice. I'm looking forward to starting there.

This weekend I'm going to Kelowna for a friend's wedding. I got her this rad frame and then I got a picture (a stupidly-hilarious picture I might add) blown up to put into the frame. It's of 2 Lady bugs...that are making sweet love on a leaf! You would have to see it...She is quirky and I thought she would find it pretty funny...and there's the whole getting married thing...anways, won't go there. I actually have to run to Ikea when i finish this because I bought a frame that is too big. After that, I will do some quick cleaning and stuff and then I might go to Kelowna tonight as well. Depends how I feel. My cousin will be moving down to my place after the wedding so then I can take some crap for him if need be in my car.

Well, off to IKEA for me.

Hope you have a good week and I will post some pictures of the wedding when I come back!
