Monday, October 10, 2005


well, this Thanks-giving went quite well. It was my first one that I haven't been able to get home to. I was invited over to my clinical instructor's place because she felt bad that I didn't have any plans. All together there were about 40 or so people there so it was nice to chat with some people and just relax.

I really didn't do anything today. I managed to blow 42.76 on groceries today and I didn't think I bought that many meals worth of food. probrably enough to get me through most of the week...but still. I just was at costco where I spent about 60 bux on food. Maybe soon I'll have full cupboards and I won't get so sick of the food that I have to choose from because I'll have more variety.

I just realized today that I have a quiz in my pharmacology class tomorrow. Heh, *oops*. so I must go study so I can get at least 95% again like I did on my last one. Hopefully I can maintain a 4.2GPA this semester, but I sorta doubt I'll last long once mid terms and my projects are marked. Still have my fingers crossed though because I'm working harder this year because I need better marks so I can get some sweet grants and other financial awards....aparently you have to be extremely poor, and get A's to get any help, just being poor and doing *ok* isn't good enough to get money.

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