Saturday, February 25, 2006

Sorry I haven't posted in so long!

I had a pretty busy week. 2 midterms, 1 essay, and 1 presentation project. And is all done. I think my midterms went quite well and I haven't finished the essay (extensions are great things) and I also think my presentation went smoothly. Therefore I have good marks this semester.

I should post more often because I always forget cool things that happened to me. So I'll try to remember as much as possible...

This week I was voted in as Vice President of the Student Nursing Association. I was running against another girl in my class so I will see if she wants to share the position because it's really not that big of a deal. We just plan a few events and advocate healthy living and all that kind of nursey stuff. Also this last week, I sat in on a meeting with the faculty of the nursing department and we discussed the good and the bad's about the program and our experiences thus far. Me and another guy were representing our class and it was interesting to hear some of the feedback from the staff on out comments. I think one of the bigger issues was the fact that out GPA is higher, so that effects what letter grade we recieve, and therefore makes it harder for us to get financial awards because our scale is much higher. I hope they can do something about that because I think it would make a couple thousand dollar differences for myself and many other B.Sc.N students. And other things were risen like the schedule of our clinicals and boring things like that. But hopefully some of the main issues can be addressed and some day changed.

I also got my first shifts at LMH! I'll be working a full week next week so that is awesome! I wasn't sure what I was going to do on my spring break, so now I'm making moolah! Lots of it! I'm really looking forward to getting over 20 bux an hour. Finally this education is starting to pay off...I think I mentioned that in a previous post, but I'll reiterate :) So I can actually make money and go to school at the same time! I want to start saving for a better vehicle now and a few other things...*you know what I'm talking about sweetie* ;) But my car is going to need some $2000 in repairs in the not so distant future (timing belt = $1000; struts & suspension issues = 600; and an EGR valve = 200). It also is a pig on gas. I think buying something like an echo would pay for itself over a few years. BUT, echo's suck so it has to be fun to drive, and be good on gas...Maybe another carolla or something like that...

Oh, another thing that happened is my printer finally ran out of toner! I've had this laser printer for over 4 years and it's finally dry. I've used it a ton so I'm suprised it's lasted this long. I went to go get another toner cartridge, but then I saw a waaaay nicer printer for clearence at $139. I was almost willing to spend the extra 50 bux (as toner for my printer is 90) so I opened the box to be sure it was all there (it was an open box item). And to my dissapointment there was no toner in the box!! Someone returned it and the cashier didn't notice that there was NO toner in the box! AND it was the last one! That was the kicker. However, that worked into my advantage: I phoned HP to see if they could send me another toner because there wasn't one in the box, and sure enough, after 30 minutes on the phone they were going to mail me one. Since there was no toner, I also got 40% off the printer which brought it to the exact price of toner for my old one. SCHWING! So now I have a printer that prints much much faster, which is cool. I would have got a cheaper inkjet, but I use my printer way too much - the inkjet would cost me a lot more in a year than a laser would. So now I'm just waiting for the toner to come in the mail and then I'll try to sell my old brother laser on ebay and make a few bux off it!'ve gotta do everything you can when you're a poor starving student!

One more thing I'll blog...

I have decided where I'm going to apply for my undergraduate position. My first choice is going to be intensive care at peace arch. The experience would be good, and there are no night shifts on that rotation! yay. My second and third choices are going to be ER at peace arch (whiterock) and then med/surg here at Langley.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


This week has gone by FAST...

I had a midterm and that is really it for school stuff. Nothing too exciting happening...

I did however finally meet up with my pregnant mother today. What a fiasco! I had quite the time trying to get to her place. I had to stop by the school to drop something off, and I was just in there for a few seconds, so I left my car running....but when I got back out to my car, I realised I had locked the door!! after I muttered a few four letter words under my breath (crap, fart, geez ect...) I then realized I had a spare set of keys somewhere....So I called Danielle and she was just driving up to TWU, so I stole her car and went to my house to look for my keys (as I'm illegally parked and the car is still running). Turns out, they aren't anywhere at home. So that was a wasted trip.

So, I called BCAA using Danielle's card (thx sweetie) and one hour later I got into my car. Ugh, that sucked. So I was about 1 hour and 20 minutes late to meet my pregnant mother. Luckily I kept her into on the seat of my car so I could see her number and call her to let her know that I'm an idiot and locked my keys in the car WHILE it was running. She was very nice though - gave me juice and muffins! Banana and chocolate chip to boot (my favs).

Anywhoo, Danielle and I went out and had a good time tonight. I treated her to the Keg. I hadn't been there for about 4 years and really wanted a good steak. And I must say, it was delicious. We also exchanged gifts and she had this photographer from work take these amazing pictures of her. She is SOOO gorgeous! She gave me 4 photo's in this one frame and then another frame which I still have to choose a photo for. I'll post one pic just to show ya'll how exquisit she looks. I also gave her a picture things, except mine were of flowers. I got a 12x16 of this really neat abstract shot of a Iris pedal which is blue with a spec o yellow at the top right side of the pic. I also framed a few other shots of pretty flower shots.

Well, I had better go. I have to read some stuff, and watch some TV, and then hit the sack so I can wake up sometime before lunch... :D (Love sleeping in...)


Tuesday, February 07, 2006


It is official!!!

I am now an official employee of Fraser Health! The largest, and fastest growing health authority in British Columbia! Today the gal from RCH called and congradulated me on the job and that orientation started on the 6th! yay!

I always knew I would be hired on at LMH, but I just never knew when it was going to start because they took a long time to do the paper work. I think they were going to do a big hire for March, so she did me first because I had some "connections" (thanks sweetie!). But I think I've already mentioned this in my previous bloggage...

Anyways, I had a real problem with getting my references to the gal at RCH because I had such little time to let me profs know...and they aren't on campus all that much. BUT, it wouldn't have mattered in the end anyways, because orientation was full for yesterday so I wouldn't have started anyways. I have 2 days of orientation for Royal Columbian Hospital (RCH) and I still need to find out more about LMH.

So that is my exciting news for the week. Both position pay the same...and it is exactly 2.6 times that of which I earn at staples per it's a significant jump. Finally this schooling is starting to pay off...hehe.

Ooo, I almost forgot to mention about the meeting I went to in regards to the Undergrad Nursing program. I talked with the head cheese and it sounds very promising for the summer. I basically pick where I want to work, how much I want to work, and it also pays better than the RCA (care aid) positions that I just got. I'm still thinking of places I can go...I think working in an ER would be cool...maybe a cancer centre...maybe intensive care...who knows!

Any suggestions??