Tuesday, February 07, 2006


It is official!!!

I am now an official employee of Fraser Health! The largest, and fastest growing health authority in British Columbia! Today the gal from RCH called and congradulated me on the job and that orientation started on the 6th! yay!

I always knew I would be hired on at LMH, but I just never knew when it was going to start because they took a long time to do the paper work. I think they were going to do a big hire for March, so she did me first because I had some "connections" (thanks sweetie!). But I think I've already mentioned this in my previous bloggage...

Anyways, I had a real problem with getting my references to the gal at RCH because I had such little time to let me profs know...and they aren't on campus all that much. BUT, it wouldn't have mattered in the end anyways, because orientation was full for yesterday so I wouldn't have started anyways. I have 2 days of orientation for Royal Columbian Hospital (RCH) and I still need to find out more about LMH.

So that is my exciting news for the week. Both position pay the same...and it is exactly 2.6 times that of which I earn at staples per hour...so it's a significant jump. Finally this schooling is starting to pay off...hehe.

Ooo, I almost forgot to mention about the meeting I went to in regards to the Undergrad Nursing program. I talked with the head cheese and it sounds very promising for the summer. I basically pick where I want to work, how much I want to work, and it also pays better than the RCA (care aid) positions that I just got. I'm still thinking of places I can go...I think working in an ER would be cool...maybe a cancer centre...maybe intensive care...who knows!

Any suggestions??

1 comment:

ChrisTopher said...

I know! That's why I want to do this undergrad position as well. If I were to be hired as UGN, I would get 700 hours to use up in 1 year. I can work full time in the summer and then still have 1-2 shifts a week once school starts again. Then the care aid positions will fill in the gaps.

I want to go to a few different places with my UGN employment to get a feel for different areas of nursing. My question was for where to go with the UGN position, and not when I grad :)