Friday, November 25, 2005

Profile Picture Posted by Picasa

This is a pic I have posted here so I can link it to my profile as my picture because this thing is being lame and won't let me do it a different way...


ChrisTopher said...

Woohoo, a comment!

You know, you could have said you were a guest or annonymous and you wouldn't have had to create an account :P

But thanks!

Wow, mom told me that you were too smart for your english class. I never liked english until grade 12. Then it started to be my top class. In university it was also my best class other than physics. I like to write, but I don't like writing on things that I don't enjoy talking about. Know what I mean?

ChrisTopher said...

w00t, Gilberto!


ChrisTopher said...

ps....comments sent!