Saturday, November 05, 2005

This week...

This week's theme is Australia. THe more I look into it, the more I like it. I watched a show on TV that was filmed there and it just looks so nice. Hopefully sometime after I graduate I can go there...

This week went by very fast...which is scary because I have rather large and ominous mid-terms next week and the week after. And I am forced to do well on these ones because I haven't done so well on my first ones. They are for Nutrition, and Nursing Care of Older Adults (NCOA). The NCOA has so much information and reading that it's just rediculous. I could spend a whole 12 hours just reading and wouldn't be even close to half done. Ugh, whatever. And Nutrition...ey. This midterm shouldn't be as rough as the first one because I talked to a fourth year nurse and he said the second midterm is a lot easier. He also said that about the NCOA so I hope he is right. I have still done quite well in Pharmacology with a 91% average right now. I'm guessing I have about 96% (at least) in my Marriage and Family course. I have had a few quizes which I've done OK on thanks to bonus questions. I've also had 2 presentations which I've gotten 98% it's a pretty easy GPA booster course. I have to read a book by the 14th and then qrite out a book review on it. I'm not looking forward to it because I actually have to read a whole novel. I don't remember the last time that I read a novel...for the last 4 years it has mostly been textbooks and that's it.

I had afun day out with some guys. After this presentation thing I did at an elementary school (on male nursing to an all boys 6/7 class), we went out to a local restraunt and had a giant thing of nacho's followed by 2 pitchers of beer. The beer wasn't my idea but I hardly ever drink so I had a few glasses. Well, 4 and a half, maybe 5...I can't really recall exactly. Needless to say I was hammered, but good thing the pitchers were on special that day and it didn't cost all that much. Steve didn't drink much at all so he was still good to drive me and Frank home. I lost track of time and was rudely reminded of the time when my girlfriend called and asked when I was coming for supper. I panicked at first because I was still buzzed from the 1516 lager, and was going out with my gf and her mom in 30 minutes. Needless to say a cold shower and listerine really helped me out there. I did a self sobriety check and was good to go. Now I'm so freakin full because I ate a lot of nacho's and then we went to Moxies where I had another burger. The food wasn't that great at Moxies and I don't think I'll be going back there...for a very long time.

Anyways, I must go to bed because I'm tired...And when I am tired that's what I tend to do. Sometimes. . . .

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