Friday, November 25, 2005

Sunroof, monitors and jobs

This last week I finally got down to the junk yard to get a new sun roof. 150 dollars later I was out of there. It was fairly easy to remove from the other car, but when I compare the two sunroof pieces, I’m really not sure how the heck it just flew off. The glass piece literally just lifted off of the aluminum bracket. I’m considering forcing this one off and smearing it with clear silicone to really bond that those 2 pieces together. Put just from heaving on it, I can’t budge it for the life of me. I just want to get some weather-stripping to replace the old stuff on the new sunroof. I’m sorry if none of this is making any sense at all to you, but it makes total sense in my head so comment if you have any questions.

So far I have just received spam comments and have been fairly disappointed. I know at least 2 people read this thing, and maybe a few others that are just blog surfing, but I want feedback!! Even if it’s just as simple as “hello, your blog sucks”.

Anyways, I returned my 3rd monitor today. I had originally started out with an acer 19” LCD display, then that one sucked and had about 30 dead pixels after a week. So I exchanged that one for a Samsung 19” 913V II which was a nice monitor but lacking in the digital in department – only analog. Sooo, I decided I could get a better deal on a 17” monitor that has a MUCH better picture, and a digital input. I ended up with the BenQ FP91V+ which is a freaking awesome monitor. The blacks are black, and the whites are very white and it seems to be easier on my eyes than the Samsung.

That is a pic of it there and it also have built in 1w speakers which suck in the bass department, but I was quite tickled at how loud they could go. Now I can finally listen to music again because I shot my sweet THX Logitech speaker system when I accidentally passed one of the cables around my metal filing cabinet when it was on. Kablow, fried ( Not happy. BUT, I found 2 dead pixels on it and I just brought home my 4th monitor now and hopefully it is OK. I think if this newer one has a few dead pixels also I’ll put up with them because the image quality is so nice.

ANYWAYS, I blab on about a lot of crap. Sorry. No wonder no one comments because they can never make it that far before they get so bored.

I went to the hospital today to apply for a job posting. I also did some math, and I can work 21 hours at staples and get paid the same amount as an 8 hour shift at the hospital. The only sort of bad thing is that the hospital work is all on a casual basis so I wouldn’t know if I’m getting called until the night before or the day of. I think I can live with that because the nurse I talked to figured I would get called on the weekends mostly… and working one shift a week as a care-aid/nurses aid would be more in pay than I work a week at Staples to make. I will feel bad for quitting staples. The people there are nice for the most part, but the pay really sucks. I can do over 10 thousand dollars in sales in one shift, but I still get paid just above minimum wage. And I hate trying to up sell people when I know what they already have will suffice. And extended warranties…OMG if they don’t want it, I don’t sell it to them. I know if I sell more warranties I will get a bigger bonus for the whole staff but I have some ethical qualms with that. I think I get a bonus in Jan. sometime so I want to stay there for at least that long. It will cover my xmas gifts (

Well, I should get back to my “supportive Needs” essay. I’m writing on caring for the caregiver of a Parkinsonism patient. I know it sounds sooo terribly interesting….

So long for now, and COMMENT!

1 comment:

ChrisTopher said...

I'm still in the applying process for the RCA job (care aid). If I do get it, I would have to work 1 shift a week to be able to get the same money I'm making at Staples right now. I might apply at a few hospitals, but we'll see. I'll let you know what happens.

I haven't had time to get weather stripping for the sunroof. I've been meaning to pick some stuff up for it. Hopefully sometime soon I'll be able to but I have a ton of work to do in the next little while here...