Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Well, sadly no new pictures this week.

... However as I typed that I did think of something that is photo-worthy:

Tah-daah! If you click the photo the object of which is significant is sort of in the centre, but up and to the left a little bit. It is an airial photo of New Westminister. The largeish white and grey thing is Royal Columbian Hospital.

I had a weird call the other day from a nie lady that works for Fraser Health. At first I thought she was calling about orientation to LMH (where I've previously had an interview and was hired...just not officially because HR hadn't processed my paperwork yet), but I then realized she was calling for a posting that I had applied for quite a while ago. It was very confusing, but I then found out it was for a casual position for an acute care aid at RCH! I did my best to raise an eyebrow in an inquisitive fashion (although I cannot, lets just say I can for the sake of the story), and then realized RCH is a much bigger hospital than LMH, and also it is in acute care, which is faster, more patients, and everything changes all the time...So it has a lot going for it. The only thing that sucks is that it is across the river, and that means crappy commute.

Although, apparently it can be done in 45 minutes from the Langley area. That isn't as bad as a 4pm rush hour going across the port man...eeks, that's a good hour 'n a half at least. Hopefully I will be hired. It sounded promising and the interviewer just has to check my references and hopfully they check out. I am going to call her tomorrow to give her a new reference because one of mine are away and won't be back until the day I'm hopefully hired and going to orientation. She told me all about orientation and when it is, what will be going on, my possible boss's name that she's doing the hiring for, how I would be called, the sort of shifts I could get ect. I will post quick tomorrow after I talk to this gal and she tells me if I have a good chance or not. I have 4 days of availability which apparently is a lot for some of the people she has interviewed, so that means that if I work a lot in the first bit and get a head of the people being hired now in the # of hours I work, that means I will get called more regularly as I gain more hours.

I can blab on for a very long time about how much I want this job and how great it would be...but I don't want to set my hopes too high. It's not official....yet.

I found a better picture inbetween mental breaks:

I think there is a lot more to the hospital that what this photo leads on to. I will let you know when I am hired and have my first shift there!

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