Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Well, sadly no new pictures this week.

... However as I typed that I did think of something that is photo-worthy:

Tah-daah! If you click the photo the object of which is significant is sort of in the centre, but up and to the left a little bit. It is an airial photo of New Westminister. The largeish white and grey thing is Royal Columbian Hospital.

I had a weird call the other day from a nie lady that works for Fraser Health. At first I thought she was calling about orientation to LMH (where I've previously had an interview and was hired...just not officially because HR hadn't processed my paperwork yet), but I then realized she was calling for a posting that I had applied for quite a while ago. It was very confusing, but I then found out it was for a casual position for an acute care aid at RCH! I did my best to raise an eyebrow in an inquisitive fashion (although I cannot, lets just say I can for the sake of the story), and then realized RCH is a much bigger hospital than LMH, and also it is in acute care, which is faster, more patients, and everything changes all the time...So it has a lot going for it. The only thing that sucks is that it is across the river, and that means crappy commute.

Although, apparently it can be done in 45 minutes from the Langley area. That isn't as bad as a 4pm rush hour going across the port man...eeks, that's a good hour 'n a half at least. Hopefully I will be hired. It sounded promising and the interviewer just has to check my references and hopfully they check out. I am going to call her tomorrow to give her a new reference because one of mine are away and won't be back until the day I'm hopefully hired and going to orientation. She told me all about orientation and when it is, what will be going on, my possible boss's name that she's doing the hiring for, how I would be called, the sort of shifts I could get ect. I will post quick tomorrow after I talk to this gal and she tells me if I have a good chance or not. I have 4 days of availability which apparently is a lot for some of the people she has interviewed, so that means that if I work a lot in the first bit and get a head of the people being hired now in the # of hours I work, that means I will get called more regularly as I gain more hours.

I can blab on for a very long time about how much I want this job and how great it would be...but I don't want to set my hopes too high. It's not official....yet.

I found a better picture inbetween mental breaks:

I think there is a lot more to the hospital that what this photo leads on to. I will let you know when I am hired and have my first shift there!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

This week has gone by way too fast. I have been sleeping in most days, and still actually getting most of my readings done!

Holy crap...I'm tired. I was going to post something but I can't even think of what I've done this week! I haven't heard from the hospital yet, but they have now called my references. Hopefully I'll know more next week.

To be continued...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

This is my yay face!

Today I had a successful interview with a manager at Langley Memorial Hospital and was hired! It was great! She told me she wanted to hire me even before she started the interview, so it was awesome. I should be starting sometime in the next 2 weeks. I'll be working just as casual so I will get called when a shift comes up, but this is a great oppertunity because I'll be working in extended care, acute care, and a few things inbetween the two. I might get 0-2 shifts a week until easter, and then it will definately be regular part time. I'm hoping for 1 shift a week until then because that is what I would be making from staples in an average week of 3-4 shifts. Which reminds me I have to call and tell my manager there that I got another job and she will be called for a reference...heh. That would be awkward if she was called and I haven't told her yet...

Anyways, this week is retarded in the fact that I have so much reading to do (5-7 articles) from my course pack, and the bookstore ran out!!! WTF!? They were like 10 short for a class of 36 or so that all need the damn thing. So, I'm just doing the reading from my text and will *maybe* catch up on the CP reading on the weekend. But I think this will be a good semester! - besides all the reading of course.

Hopefully all my friends that I know and possibly read this are looking at this new spring semester with a positive outlook. If not, then do lots of praying, and do your best!

More to come soon....

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Just so everyone knows, you can use the anon. or guest feature to leave a comment. You don't have to be a registered user...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

NEW JOB!?...

Woohooo! I just had to post quickly to tell all my wonderful readers that I have an interview at Langley Memorial Hospital on January the 11th for a casual position! This would be an AWESOME job because for one, it’s just so close to my house (2 minute drive), and two, it pays almost 3 times more than my current job! Don’t worry, I’m not going to gripe more on how much I dislike working at Staples, but please pray that my interview goes well!

The interview is an hour long which is a little long considering my last interview was 5 minutes. I’m a little nervous because they might ask me specific questions so I hope I can remember everything that is required. If I got this job, I could afford to run my car, rent, groceries, and I would even be able to save a few bux every month – if I work 2 shifts a week minimum. I could work 1 shift a week and still be making more than my current job with 4 shifts which are usually 4-5 hours so I would still be happy with that.

Also, I had some interesting news from Danielle. She had dinner at her neighbours house and they got talking about this one couple that has a “beautiful” suite just a few doors down. The only reason they don’t rent it is because they don’t want someone noisy. They also don’t need the income from the suite so they might also be willing to rent it for a bargain price for a “poor starving student”. It has 2 rooms so this would work well for my next semester plans with a good friend of mine. We were roomies for a month last year as we did a summer course together and have planned to room together again next school year. This would work out so well!! Cheap rent, awesome location (5 minute walk to work at the hospital, and 10 minutes to school), and great house (5 years old in a very nice neighbourhood), and the best part - it's a 30 second walk to Danielle's!! This suite I’m renting is quite nice, but has a very small second room. The kitchen is also a little on the small side, and it would be nice to have more space. I’m sure this suite would also be much larger than the one I’m in now because the house is double the size.

We shall see…I’ll have more info on these new happenings sometime next week.

Also, just a fun fact but the hospital that I might potentially work at is also the same hospital that is shown in all of the hospital scenes on one of my favourite TV shows – Smallville.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Christmas and New Years and Jobs...

Ok, wow, it’s been a while since I updated my blog! Sorry…
One of my new year’s resolutions will now be to update this thing weekly. Well, I just made that up, but I’ll call it a new year’s resolution. I didn’t have many at all this year. I haven’t really given the new years much thought. I have set a few goals which I would like to achieve, but that’s it. They more have to do with finances and jobs more than anything…

This Christmas went fairly well for me. I was in Kelowna for 2 weeks and had a good time with family and a few friends. I wish I could have seen my sweetie-pie more, but due to her wacky family dynamics (mostly her father not seeing me as family, therefore I should take no part in their Christmas…), but maybe next year. I did have 1 good evening with some of her family however. Her mom, sister, auntie Laurie were at her grandparents on her dad’s side. We had a good time and they even gave me a few gifts! They were small practical gifts, but I appreciate them very much. Her Grandma also spoiled me with cookies. Between her grandma and my grandma Engel, I have enough cookies to last me quite a looooong time. I don’t eat that many cookies, but how can I say no?

Anyways, those 2 weeks went by fast and I didn’t get to spend as much time with friends and family as I would have liked. Mostly due to the fact that I worked night shifts all those 2 weeks. 7 hours from 3:45-11:15. All my evening were shot so it was hard to see people because most people work during the day. Meh, what can you do. I will probably be back in K-town in February next but only for a few days. Hopefully I’ll be working at the hospital by then and will be able to get some decent coin on my break. Just as a care aid I would receive around 22 dollars per hour – Cha-ching! Once I know I can get regular shifts every week (at least 1 shift would be more than I make now at Staples in 4 days), I would quit Staples because it pays very poorly. I have nothing against Staples, but they do not pay me well at all for the amount of experience I have with retail, and the pay also does not reflect at all the amount of revenue I bring in for the store. As an effective sales dude, I can make easily five thousand dollars worth of sales and on a good weekend I have sold over $15,000 worth of computers, printers, and cameras. Like, HELLO! But the biggest thing that pisses me off is managers bugging me about extended warranties. Like, bite me – I make your store a **** load of cash in 1 single shift, you pay me dickall and you expect to push extended warranties on all the sales I make? OK, for some things they are a good idea and are affordable such as for a printer or a camera, but some people just don’t want to buy them, and I’m not going to tell them otherwise unless I think they can benefit from it, and not the store. Also, I was told Staples can be quite flexible with the schedule, but that has not been true thus far at all. My manager has given me more shifts than I can handle for several weeks and when I ask about the shifts, she doesn’t offer to rectify it, but rather gives me phone numbers so I can try to get rid of a shift. This was especially bad at finals week because I was booked a full week, and I have 4 effin exams! I’m not a freaking magician.

Anyways, with the hospital work I can decline shifts at anytime I please because I’m a casual employee. The only thing that matters is seniority because the higher you’re up on the list, the more you get called. This summer I’m hoping to work a poo load overtime as a care aid, as well as work 500 hours or whatever it is as a UGN (undergrad nurse). Both these jobs are good on the resume and pay very well. My goal is to walk away with 20K all together in those 4.5 months. Then I will be able to pay for school, rent, groceries, and car and also tuck some away for my future wedding!

I have also posted some pics of Christmas happenings as well as a new years photo of Danielle, Mike and myself. This new years was nice and relaxed. Mike joined Danielle and I for a movie, BS’n and some bubbly.

Hope everyone is having a great week, and I will update this thing next week around the same time!

Me and Mike

Then Engel cousins

Family shot

Crazy cousins...

New years crew