Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Christmas and New Years and Jobs...

Ok, wow, it’s been a while since I updated my blog! Sorry…
One of my new year’s resolutions will now be to update this thing weekly. Well, I just made that up, but I’ll call it a new year’s resolution. I didn’t have many at all this year. I haven’t really given the new years much thought. I have set a few goals which I would like to achieve, but that’s it. They more have to do with finances and jobs more than anything…

This Christmas went fairly well for me. I was in Kelowna for 2 weeks and had a good time with family and a few friends. I wish I could have seen my sweetie-pie more, but due to her wacky family dynamics (mostly her father not seeing me as family, therefore I should take no part in their Christmas…), but maybe next year. I did have 1 good evening with some of her family however. Her mom, sister, auntie Laurie were at her grandparents on her dad’s side. We had a good time and they even gave me a few gifts! They were small practical gifts, but I appreciate them very much. Her Grandma also spoiled me with cookies. Between her grandma and my grandma Engel, I have enough cookies to last me quite a looooong time. I don’t eat that many cookies, but how can I say no?

Anyways, those 2 weeks went by fast and I didn’t get to spend as much time with friends and family as I would have liked. Mostly due to the fact that I worked night shifts all those 2 weeks. 7 hours from 3:45-11:15. All my evening were shot so it was hard to see people because most people work during the day. Meh, what can you do. I will probably be back in K-town in February next but only for a few days. Hopefully I’ll be working at the hospital by then and will be able to get some decent coin on my break. Just as a care aid I would receive around 22 dollars per hour – Cha-ching! Once I know I can get regular shifts every week (at least 1 shift would be more than I make now at Staples in 4 days), I would quit Staples because it pays very poorly. I have nothing against Staples, but they do not pay me well at all for the amount of experience I have with retail, and the pay also does not reflect at all the amount of revenue I bring in for the store. As an effective sales dude, I can make easily five thousand dollars worth of sales and on a good weekend I have sold over $15,000 worth of computers, printers, and cameras. Like, HELLO! But the biggest thing that pisses me off is managers bugging me about extended warranties. Like, bite me – I make your store a **** load of cash in 1 single shift, you pay me dickall and you expect to push extended warranties on all the sales I make? OK, for some things they are a good idea and are affordable such as for a printer or a camera, but some people just don’t want to buy them, and I’m not going to tell them otherwise unless I think they can benefit from it, and not the store. Also, I was told Staples can be quite flexible with the schedule, but that has not been true thus far at all. My manager has given me more shifts than I can handle for several weeks and when I ask about the shifts, she doesn’t offer to rectify it, but rather gives me phone numbers so I can try to get rid of a shift. This was especially bad at finals week because I was booked a full week, and I have 4 effin exams! I’m not a freaking magician.

Anyways, with the hospital work I can decline shifts at anytime I please because I’m a casual employee. The only thing that matters is seniority because the higher you’re up on the list, the more you get called. This summer I’m hoping to work a poo load overtime as a care aid, as well as work 500 hours or whatever it is as a UGN (undergrad nurse). Both these jobs are good on the resume and pay very well. My goal is to walk away with 20K all together in those 4.5 months. Then I will be able to pay for school, rent, groceries, and car and also tuck some away for my future wedding!

I have also posted some pics of Christmas happenings as well as a new years photo of Danielle, Mike and myself. This new years was nice and relaxed. Mike joined Danielle and I for a movie, BS’n and some bubbly.

Hope everyone is having a great week, and I will update this thing next week around the same time!

Me and Mike

Then Engel cousins

Family shot

Crazy cousins...

New years crew

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