Wednesday, January 11, 2006

This is my yay face!

Today I had a successful interview with a manager at Langley Memorial Hospital and was hired! It was great! She told me she wanted to hire me even before she started the interview, so it was awesome. I should be starting sometime in the next 2 weeks. I'll be working just as casual so I will get called when a shift comes up, but this is a great oppertunity because I'll be working in extended care, acute care, and a few things inbetween the two. I might get 0-2 shifts a week until easter, and then it will definately be regular part time. I'm hoping for 1 shift a week until then because that is what I would be making from staples in an average week of 3-4 shifts. Which reminds me I have to call and tell my manager there that I got another job and she will be called for a reference...heh. That would be awkward if she was called and I haven't told her yet...

Anyways, this week is retarded in the fact that I have so much reading to do (5-7 articles) from my course pack, and the bookstore ran out!!! WTF!? They were like 10 short for a class of 36 or so that all need the damn thing. So, I'm just doing the reading from my text and will *maybe* catch up on the CP reading on the weekend. But I think this will be a good semester! - besides all the reading of course.

Hopefully all my friends that I know and possibly read this are looking at this new spring semester with a positive outlook. If not, then do lots of praying, and do your best!

More to come soon....

1 comment:

ChrisTopher said...

I just hope I get called once in a while!!