Thursday, January 05, 2006

NEW JOB!?...

Woohooo! I just had to post quickly to tell all my wonderful readers that I have an interview at Langley Memorial Hospital on January the 11th for a casual position! This would be an AWESOME job because for one, it’s just so close to my house (2 minute drive), and two, it pays almost 3 times more than my current job! Don’t worry, I’m not going to gripe more on how much I dislike working at Staples, but please pray that my interview goes well!

The interview is an hour long which is a little long considering my last interview was 5 minutes. I’m a little nervous because they might ask me specific questions so I hope I can remember everything that is required. If I got this job, I could afford to run my car, rent, groceries, and I would even be able to save a few bux every month – if I work 2 shifts a week minimum. I could work 1 shift a week and still be making more than my current job with 4 shifts which are usually 4-5 hours so I would still be happy with that.

Also, I had some interesting news from Danielle. She had dinner at her neighbours house and they got talking about this one couple that has a “beautiful” suite just a few doors down. The only reason they don’t rent it is because they don’t want someone noisy. They also don’t need the income from the suite so they might also be willing to rent it for a bargain price for a “poor starving student”. It has 2 rooms so this would work well for my next semester plans with a good friend of mine. We were roomies for a month last year as we did a summer course together and have planned to room together again next school year. This would work out so well!! Cheap rent, awesome location (5 minute walk to work at the hospital, and 10 minutes to school), and great house (5 years old in a very nice neighbourhood), and the best part - it's a 30 second walk to Danielle's!! This suite I’m renting is quite nice, but has a very small second room. The kitchen is also a little on the small side, and it would be nice to have more space. I’m sure this suite would also be much larger than the one I’m in now because the house is double the size.

We shall see…I’ll have more info on these new happenings sometime next week.

Also, just a fun fact but the hospital that I might potentially work at is also the same hospital that is shown in all of the hospital scenes on one of my favourite TV shows – Smallville.


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