Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ok, so I had my first day as a UGN today and it was fantastic :) I'm really lookinf forward to this position as it will be completely different to care aiding and actually right along the lines to what it will be like when i graduate. I will have a few restrictions...some of which are lame. They have to take the school that is the lame-est and then build their standards around what the lame school can't do. For instance, NG feeding tubes. I have personally inserted one into a very, very sick patient that couldn't even swallow. The only trick that I learnt was that if the patient puts their chin to their chest it is much easier to slip the tube around that nasopharynx corner, and also dipping the tube in some water to give it some lube is a big help. And even if by some miracle, a person inserts the feeding tube into the larynx, the pt gets an x-ray anyways to see if the tube is indeed in the stomach and not in the lungs. Anyways, I don't think I'll be doing a whole lot of NG tubes anywyas... Other than some kinda silly restrictions like that one, I think it will be a very positive experience. I will have a workload, and I will be responsible for patients -> I won't have an instructor looking over my shoulder to check everything which will make me feel a little more confident and independant. The surgical floor looks quite nice too. Today was the first time that I've checked it out and it is a lot nicer than the medical floors I've seen at this hospital. If I can, I will take a picture sometime soon!

I think next summer I will definately persure becoming an LPN for the summer. As an LPN, I won't be able to do quite as much as an RN, but I won't be limited in the hours I can work as I am in the UGN position...Overtime = big bucks. I should have enough clinical hours by next summer to write my LPN exam and then finding a job should not be that difficult given that I know the managers at LMH and RCH. If I do become an LPN next summer, I will be a full scope LPN so I can give medications and have a wider scope than a 'regular' LPN. I think most LPN's are now becoming full scope LPN's because at Langley, every LPN is full scope.

well, I should hit the sack. I have my first shift this thursday night I think...There have been some scheduling issues, but if not this thursdaym then I will be working on the 31st for sure (2days, 2 nights, and then 5 days off). I will follow that scedule for most of the summer. Dosen't seem like much, but that's full time for a RN! I hope to pick up doubles as a care aide on the weekends I don't work as a UGN. working a double as a care aide equlas 500 bux, so it is quite profitable to be at work for 16 hours and I really need the cash. Like, really bad. So, hopefully I can get good shifts as a care aide, and hopefully I get more hours as a UGN because with the funding right now, it's only good for 2 months worth of work...I am sure they will get more funding, I'm just not sure when.

Ok. This time I really have to go. I will post again soon!!!



alan.schram said...

Sweet, sounds like your job is going to be rock awesome.

Why do you need the cash so bad? Still no roommate?

ChrisTopher said...

I need cash because I have a car to pay off, rent to pay, groceries to buy, a deposit for my tuition at TWU... I have been dipping into my line of credit a little too much and it will just be good to start to see some more money in the account...

alan.schram said...

So now who's too busy to post?

ChrisTopher said...

My computer has had some issues...

Post to come SOON!