Thursday, May 18, 2006

Mornings can be rough...Just woke up

Showers are a real pick-me-up in the morning!
Can't get enough of the sugar crisp...It actually doesn't have all that much more sugar than a "healthy" cereal...I look at the labels when I shop! I should have taken a pic of my cuboard because I have a lot of good cereal...I <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">So, in the mornings, I usually enjoy my big bowl of cereal while watching some kind of HGTV or TLC tv show. I just have to be careful I don't get sucked in because one day I spent 8 hours watching decorating shows...One good show was on after the other...

Then I looked at blogs and chatted on MSN for almost an hour...Not many people are online :(

Then a buddy came over for a while...this is where I forgot to take a few pictures. We watched a TV show, chatted, and then went to this Portugese restaurant for some lunch.

After we had finished hanging out, I did a few things to clean up my place, and then I went out with Danielle for some shopping fun. We went to the mall, and then to a few of her stores across the street (Smart Set and Jacob)

Then, we went out for some yummy food at Montana's!

I was hungry :)

Danielle did this shot too...She had a Jr. ribs combo and I had the meat loaf...I don't know why I had the meatloaf...It was OK, but I'm definately sticking to rib tips!

This is just a random driving shot. Yay.

Then the time finally came to brush my teeth and to hit the sack. Ew, I was drooling...

And that's it!!!
I didn't take as many as I had hoped cause I kept forgetting...I will have to showcase a day when I go to work. Then I won't seem like such a bumb :)


PS - all pics were taken with my RAZR phone :) Lighting has to be right to get a decent pic so sorry about the grainy ones.


alan.schram said...


Sweet deal dude.. me likes.

ChrisTopher said...


For that gilberto, you are first on my list too.

And believe me, that pic is very ugly. I'm much more cute in person :)

ChrisTopher said...

ps, I added yours alan :)

ChrisTopher said...

Good :P

Anonymous said...

Hey Buddy, Nice pic of you in the shower! I'm sure that one drives the ladies CRAZY!!! ;) Sounds like your really having a good time as UGN which is awesome. I might be heading out there on Thursday if we get your parents roof finished up before then. Anyways time to go to work but I will give ya a shout later on today or this week!! Keep up the self portraits dude!!!
