Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Well, the last few days I haven't been working much so I've been doing my best to stay busy. Suprisingly, it hasn't been all that hard! A few days ago, I started with the vacuum cleaner. EVERY square inch of my place is now dust free! When I clean, I tend not to do a halfassed job (thanks to my mom) and I vacuumed everything fromg the cupboards to the wainscotting, the shelves, the mouldings, the entertainment unit, window sils, and of course, the floor. Then I hauled out the bucket and sponge to wipe down my kitchen and bathroom floors as well as the cupboards. Once my camera finishes charging I'm going to snap a photo of the living room which is spotless for you all to see!

I've also washed my 2 cars, as well as Danielle's car too. She had a white car but it was masquerading as a brownish-grey car. heh, needless to say, it needed a wash because she just hasn't had much time to do it (school seems to suck the time for things like washing cars...). Yesterday I also replaced my alternator in the prelude. After the alternator, I've racked up about 900 dollars in parts and crap for that car. That's half of what it would have cost to fix my other car... Anyways, everything is working fine now and it better stay that way while I have it.

Today I went through my closet and packed up some old clothes that I don't wear anymore. There wasn't as much as I thought...I kept a few ratty clothes incase I need some grubs to paint or work outside or something. After watching hours of HGTV and TLC, I thought I would have been better at "purging" my closet! Oh well, it's not like it's overflowing...but I do have 3 closets for all my crap, so I think I have more than I think! Only 1 is really for clothes though, because one is just for stuff like golf clubs, ski's and snowboards, and lugage. The other for linens and sweaters, extra shoes, and lots of other random crap like tools and car parts...

This is kind of a random sidetrack, but I really miss golfing. I had a chance to finally go when I was in Kelowna for a few days. My cousin was here from California and we hit the links for a fun aftenoon. I used to have a membership to a course in Kelowna - Gallgher's Canyon - which is rated as one of the top30 courses in Canada last time I checked! Absolutely stunning course with beautiful scenery and amazing holes. I was a little spoiled to be able to golf at such an awesome course for my Jr. years. I'm surrounded by nice courses here in Langley and have never had the chance to check them out and I plan to this summer (if prices are reasonable of course).

I had planned to put my computer desk and filing stuff in my roomies old room but I just haven't yet. It will be weird to have an "office"! I just have to buy a long cat5 cable so I can run my internet over there. I also have an add up on the TWU site for a roomie, but I'm a little doubtful if anyone will respond because it's only for the summer months before I move in September.

1 comment:

ChrisTopher said...

Hmm...the place you are going to be living sounds awesome too...Tempting! :P