Tuesday, May 16, 2006

This is how exciting work is. I took this miserable picture with my phone as I sat on my arse for 7.5 hours. This was just a regular shift so I made decent money but I am very sick of working at RCH. It is a long miserable commute in stop and go traffic and then most of my shifts are 1:1's which means I watch a person that needs close monitoring because of confusion, agression, suicidal tendencies...I think you're getting the picture. I start my UGN job in exactly a week and am very much looking forward to it. No more 1:1's!! I will hopefully get my care aide job straitened out with LMH so I can work there inbetween my UGN shifts. I'll be working 4 days on, and then 4 days off (for 12 hours) as a UGN so I will still have time to work as a care aide. It's just too bad that I won't be able to get as much overtime working the 2 different positions. If I got overtime as a UGN, I could be making over 800 bux in a single shift...which would be nice! But unfortunately for funding reasons Fraser Health does not pay OT to undergrad nurses. I could as a care aide, and make very good cash working OT, but I think the value of the UGN experience out weights that. I think next summer I will get my LPN thingy and do that. I will get good experience, make around 25 an hour and have lots of oppertunity for OT.

Anyways, sorry for rambling. I'm very tired as it is 2:26am right this second. In other news, I got a new phone the other day. I ended up going with a motorola RAZR which is a very cool phone. Nice size, cool functions, and I also have a nice hospital employee plan which gives me a ton of features such as internet and crazy stuff like that. That shift when I took that picture, I spent most of it painfully typing friends messages on my cell using MSN, and also browsing the latest CBC news headlines. I also got a super-duper high score playing bejeweled. It would take someone over 4 hours to beat it because that's how long I was playing that silly game while I sat.

In the next few days I want to do a blog entry that has only pictures explaining my day. I think that would be cool. Not sure why, but maybe someone else will find it entertaining too :)

I'm off to bed!
Cannot keep my eyes open!!...
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alan.schram said...

Dude, that phone is pretty darn sweet from everything I've seen of it. I think it's going to get more and more and more popular over the next year.

Do your pictures thing. I did that once last summer for my security job. I think people appreciated it. So, rock it.

ChrisTopher said...

Oh I will...And the handy thing is I have a camera phone! More concealable than my digital and more convienient to tote around all day...

I will do that tomorrow. So Look for it the day after tomorrow!

ChrisTopher said...

Also, that phone does kick a lot of arse. I forget if I mentioned it, but I got a program for it that I can download my pictures from the phone and also put any ringtone on the phone! I can take any mp3 and make it into a ringtone. Kinda cool.

Anonymous said...

Hello! Wow, it sounds like your job is incredibly interesting...Wow. Yus, grad weekend was pretty intense. What can I say? But it still feels like a dream, like we were all playing dress-up or something. How did you do in Life-span? I managed to make a B. Sad but true! Ciao*

alan.schram said...

I await impatiently.

ChrisTopher said...

Hey terryll! Thanks for the comment :)

goat - prepare to be amazed!

alan.schram said...

I'm.. actually still waiting.